There’s no subliminal call to action here, although I’m sure one could read one into it if they wanted. Because we’re so accustomed to patterns, we see them everywhere, particularly where they reinforce our beliefs.
There’s nothing political about this song choice. The Mummies fucking rule, and are beyond any shit your chimpanzee arms could fling at them. They’re absolutely untouchable.
Regarding the politics of the day, let’s just say that in my mind I’m chugging beers in the alley and laughing at cheap joke graffiti.
Like what I’m doing here? Let me know by suggesting it to someone else that may like it. Not into this song? Stick around for the next one, it may be what you didn’t know you needed! Remember, there are only two genres of music here at SERMONS!: good and bad, and I have too much to do to waste time on bad music.