Feb 22Liked by Jamie Ward

Your starting question is a good one. Russia had cybernetics (AI) programs during the period in question. The grand design was to impose a unified automated management on the national economy, from the top down to the smallest enterprise. Check The Institute of Automation and Remote Control (Technical Cybernetics). Also https://cosmonautmag.com/2022/10/soviet-cybernetics-an-introduction/

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The only Adam Curtis film I have seen is 'The Power of Nightmares.' 

That Russian band you link to is completely new to me. But I know very little about Russian pop/rock or their music scene in general. A couple of years ago, I travelled to Turkey (hear me out, I am going somewhere with this), and I was really excited to discover some Turkish Psych gems in Istanbul's records stores. However, flipping through the local music section in their record stores was quite overwhelming. Because I couldn't read the text, I didn't know where to start and was picking things up purely based on visuals and graphics (not a bad thing, however!). I felt a similar sense of awe and "Where do I start?" when looking at your Russian video playlist!  

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